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[구슬쌤 강의 정리] I'm out of practice/ Purview/ brush up/ rusty / 영어공부 혼자하기

by 맘쓸 2024. 2. 15.

1. purview

2. brush up

3. rusty


구슬쌤 강의는 아래를 클릭해주세요.


1. purview : (활동, 직권, 관리 등의) 범위, 영역, 권한
  • I'm sorry, but that's not in my purview. (죄송합니다. 그건 제 권한이 아니라서요)
  • I wish I could help, but that's outside my purview. (도와드릴 수 있다면 좋겠지만 제 관한이 아니라서요.)
  • That's not my area of expertise. (잘 모르는 부분/분야일 때 - I don't know 말고) = That's outside my area of expertise.
  • With all due respect, that's his purview, not yours. (외람된 말씀이지만, 그건 그의 권한이지 당신의 권한이 아닙니다.)
2. brush up : (전에 배운 것, 잊혀져 가는 것 등을) 다시 공부하다, 다듬다
  • We have a big client visiting from New York. I really need to brush up on my English.
  • I need to brush up on my presentation skills. I'm out of practice. (실력이 떨어진 것)
  • We have to do everything by the book, so brush up on procedures if necessary. (정석대로)
3. rusty : 녹슨, 예전 같지 않은
  • I need to brush up on my Spanish. I'm a bit rusty.
  • My English is a bit rusty, so please bear with me.
  • I have to admit I was bit rusty at first, but it's all coming back to me now.