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[구슬쌤 강의정리 10] see의 활용법 5가지/ I haven't done this in forever.

by 맘쓸 2024. 2. 14.

오늘은 구슬쌤께 동사 see 의 활용법 5가지를 배우려고 합니다.

정말 기본동사인데 과연 어떤 것들을 알려주실지 벌써 기대가 됩니다.

그럼 공부해 볼게요!!


구슬쌤 강의는 아래를 클릭해주세요!


1. see = 보다
  • [구면] It was nice seeing you. : (지인과 헤어질 때) 다시봐서 좋았어. - 대화를 마무리하고 싶을 때 빛을 발하는
  • [초면] It was nice meeting you.
  • Good seeing you. You're in good hands. (인수인계 동료가 잘 해줄거라며)
  • I haven't seen you in forever. (상대를 정말 오랫동안 못 봤을때) 
  • A: How have you been? I haven't seen you in forever! / B: I know! But you haven't changed/aged a bit. (너 하나도 안변했다)
  • I haven't seen you in forever. We should get together sometime.
  • A: I haven't seen you in like forever. / B: Yeah, I've been swamped. (그간 정말 바빴다며)
  • A: Aren't you close to TJ? / B: We used to be close. but I haven't seen him in forever. [close 쓰 발음]
  • I haven't done this in forever. : 나 이거 진짜 오랜만에 해본다.
  • I'm so nervous. I haven't given a presentation in forever.
  • This year alone, we've seen a 40% increase in sales.
2. see: (알아) 보다 / to find out information or a fact
  • I'll see what I can do. : 내가 한 번 알아볼게 / 방법을 한번 찾아볼게 - 노력
  • I should go see what's going on.
3. see: 아플 때
  • go see a doctor
  • You should go see a doctor (동네 병원에 가다 not hospital)
  • I went to see a doctor.
4. Are you seeing anyone? 만나는 사람 있어?
  • If you don't mind me asking, are you seeing anyone.
  • I'm not currently seeing anyone.
5. see : 보다
  • Have you seen any good movies lately?
  • It's my all-time favorite movie. I mean, it's the best movie I've ever seen.
  • It's a muse-see musical.


휴.. 다행이 아는게 많이 나왔네요 ㅎㅎ

다음주에는 활용법을 더 많이 알려주신다고 하니 기대 됩니다!

그럼 저도 다음 포스팅에서 뵐게요~~