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[구슬쌤 강의 정리 8] 스몰토크 4개/ small talk

by 맘쓸 2024. 1. 26.

저는 스몰톡하면 날씨에 관련된 것들만 떠오르는데요,

오늘 구슬쌤께 다양한 스몰톡 관련 표현들을 배워보겠습니다!


구슬쌤 유튜브 강의는 아래를 클릭해주세요!

1. How was the traffic getting here?

2. 시차 얘기

3. What's the weather like in~?

4. I see the resemblance.


1. How was the traffic getting here? 오시는데 차는 안 막히셨어요?


- A: How was the drive getting here?

   B: It was an easy drive. / It was a smooth drive.

- Everything went smoothly. (다 순조롭게, 잘 진행됐어.)

- Hope this goes smoothly. (문제없이 진행되면 좋겠다며) 


- A: How was the flight? (비행은 어떠셨어요?)

   B: It was great. I slept like a baby.


2. What's the time difference between here and (다른 국가나 지역)? 


- You must be jet-lagged. (피곤하시겠어요)

- I'm sorry, it's the jet lag. (시차로 컨디션이 안 좋을 때도)

- If you're not too jet-lagged, would you like to join us for dinner?


3. What's the weather like in~?


- What's the weather like in LA this time of year? (이 맘쯤 LA 날씨는 어때요?)

- I heard it's beautiful there this time of year. (늘 듣는다는 뉘앙스로 "I hear" 을 써도 된다.

- Vermont should be beautiful this time of the year, with all that snow.


4. I see the resemblance. (가족 사진이나 얼굴을 보고) 둘이 닮았네요.


- I see the family resemblance.

- Oh, I totally see the resemblance.


[아이 관련 스몰톡]

- Do you have any kids? / Do you have any siblings?

- How old are they?

- What's the age difference? (몇 살 차이 인가요?)

- Where do they go to school? (학교는 어디 다니나요?)

- They grow up fast, don't they?

오늘도 유용한 표현이 가득한 강의를 올려주셨네요!

아이 관련된 표현들은 정말 꼭 다! 익히고 싶어요!


그럼 다음 포스팅에서 또 만나요!