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[구슬쌤 강의정리 2] I was wondering if, I was thinking, I was hoping / 혼자 영어 공부하기

by 맘쓸 2023. 11. 22.

안녕하세요, 맘쓸이예요.
오늘은 제 영어 실력을 업그레이드 시켜준 표현인
"I was wondering if~"
표현이 들어있는 강의를 구슬쌤께 배워보려고 해요.

1. I was wondering if ~
2. I was thinking
3. I was hoping

1. I was wondering if ~ :혹시 ~ 한지 해서 물어봐.

**뭔가를 정중히 요청할 때 I was wondering if ~ 쓰라고 하신 구슬쌤
 1) 가능 여부를 물어보며 부드럽게 요청할 때
* I was wondering if you could help me (with something). (=Can you help me?)
* Something's come up at work, and I was wondering if I could reschedule. (일정을 잡거나 조정할 때도)
* I was just wondering if you were free for lunch today.
 2) 의견을 물어볼 때
* I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch.
* We're offering a 10% discount across the board, and I was wondering if you'd be intereted.
        (across the board = 전반적으로 = on all our products)

2. I was thinking ~ : (내 개인적인 생각을 공유하는 것) ~란 생각이 들었어, ~하면 어떨까 했지

* Do you have plans tonight? I was thinking (maybe) we could catch up over a drink. 
---- over a drink: 술 한잔 하면서 / over lunch : 점심 먹으면서 / over dinner : 저녁 먹으면서
* I was thinking maybe we could do this instead. (maybe 를 넣으면 느낌이 더 부드러워짐)
* I was thinking we could have pizza for dinner.
[ I was wondering if ~ vs I was thinking ]
* I was wondering if you could give me a discount. : (단순히 할인해 줄 수 있는지 가능 여부를 물어보는 것에 초점)
* I was thinking you could give me a discount. (단순 할인 질문에는 좀 무례한 느낌, 물론 쓰일때가 있긴 하지만)

3. I was hoping~ : (나의 바람/희망사항) ~ 하면 좋을 것 같아서

* I was hoping we could talk: (내 바람/희망사랑) 얘기 좀 하면 좋을 것 같아서.
* A: I think we could all use a break.   
   B: I was hoping you'd say that. Let's go get us some coffee.
       (안 그래도 내심) 네가 그 말을 해줬으면 했는데.

영어 예문을 찾다보니 이것저것 많아져서
따로 정리해서 올리도록 할게요~
확실히 그냥 영상을 시청할 때보다
이렇게 정리하면서 하는 게
머릿속에 더 확실히 들어오네요!!
그럼 다음 포스팅에서 곧 또 만나요!!